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Thema: Lena Meyer-Landrut gewinnt Eurovision Song Contest 2010

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    Avatar von seechat
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    Cool Lena Meyer-Landrut gewinnt Eurovision Song Contest 2010

    Lena hat es allen gezeigt: Nach 28 Jahren führt sie unser Land zum langersehnten Ziel und gewinnt mit großem Vorsprung den 55. Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo. Und auch beim Heimspiel in Deutschland könnte sie wieder dabei sein.

    YouTube Video @ | Die Bodensee Community
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    Satellite Songtext :
    I went everywhere for you
    I even did my hair for you
    I bought new underwear, they’re blue
    And I wore ‘em just the other day

    Love, you know I’ll fight for you
    I left on the porch light for you
    Whether you are sweet or cruel
    I’m gonna love you either way

    Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
    ‘Cause I, oh, I can’t go a minute without your love
    Like a satellite, I’m in an orbit all the way around you
    And I would fall out into the night
    Can’t go a minute without your love

    Love, I got it bad for you
    I saved the best I have for you
    You sometimes make me sad and blue
    Wouldn’t have it any other way

    Love, my aim is straight and true
    Cupid’s arrow is just for you
    I even painted my toe nails for you
    I did it just the other day

    Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
    ‘Cause I, oh, I can’t go a minute without your love
    Like a satellite I’m in an orbit all the way around you
    And I would fall out into the night
    Can’t go a minute without your love
    Oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
    ‘Cause I, oh, I can’t go a minute without your love

    Where you go, I’ll follow
    You set the pace, we’ll take it fast and slow
    I’ll follow in your way,
    You got me, you got me
    A force more powerful than gravity
    It’s physics, there’s no escape

    Love, my aim is straight and true
    Cupid’s arrow is just for you
    I even painted my toe nails for you
    I did it just the other day

    Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
    ‘Cause I, oh, I can’t go a minute without your love
    Like a satellite I’m in orbit all the way around you
    And I would fall out into the night
    Can’t go a minute without your
    Love, oh, love, I gotta tell you how I feel about you
    ‘Cause I, oh, I can’t go a minute without your love
    Love, love, love, love, love


    Lena Meyer-Landrut - Die offizielle Website!
    Lena Meyer-Landrut ? Wikipedia
    Geändert von seechat (31.05.2010 um 20:30 Uhr)

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