    Pearl Hunt 3 Highscores
Beschreibung: Join Woody Wagon, CC Boat and the Sea Turtles on their pearl hunt in the underwater adventure game, and fill your treasure chest with valuable ocean pearls! The Sea Turtles climb into their heavy diving equipment, complete with hard-back shell, and dive off of CC Boat deep into the ocean while Woody Wagon basks in the warm sun on an island beach.

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hat im Spiel Pearl Hunt 3 das beste Ergebnis
mit 15013 Punkten erzielt
# Username Punkte Kommentar Zeit Spielzeit
1 Scorpion31 15013 a 11.02.12 um 20:08 24:19
2 Schnuckel 5949 a 11.04.11 um 19:07 14:04
3 Isabella 2242 a 06.02.11 um 21:41 10:43
4 LouSoulola 1639 a 17.02.11 um 13:48 52:56
5 nicole1 925 a 13.02.11 um 10:00 09:10
6 heimle 840 a 27.06.11 um 13:38 08:58
7 schnupfi 495 a 06.02.11 um 16:14 06:39
8 **Lou** 360 13.07.18 um 3:33 02:31
9 klklk22 320 a 11.10.11 um 13:34 03:16

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