    Yeti Puzzlekick Highscores
Beschreibung: This time Yeti is trying his talents as an all-star soccer player. Of course his little friends do not want to miss this chance and show up in pingu soccer uniforms to help him train for the big game.
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hat im Spiel Yeti Puzzlekick das beste Ergebnis
mit 145300 Punkten erzielt
# Username Punkte Kommentar Zeit Spielzeit
1 Isabella 145300 a 30.12.11 um 18:07 15:50
2 Scorpion31 130800 a 12.11.11 um 10:34 27:01
3 Nesssy 48100 a 12.11.11 um 12:49 12:37
4 freaky 30400 a 11.07.11 um 17:49 06:52
5 Schnuckel 3200 a 12.12.11 um 14:56 02:32
6 tempole 1500 a 26.02.11 um 14:59 00:34

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