    Look Alive V32 Highscores
Beschreibung: Use YOUR MOUSE to move Brandon from left to right and press LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to kick a ball. The aim of this game is to hit as much running kids as possible with the ball. Everytime you knock down a kid your energy raises a bit. Try to do combo hits for bigger energy increases.
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hat im Spiel Look Alive V32 das beste Ergebnis
mit 2500 Punkten erzielt
# Username Punkte Kommentar Zeit Spielzeit
1 Schnuckel 2500 a 01.03.11 um 12:55 09:45
2 Isabella 1438 a 10.02.11 um 21:27 05:17
3 nicole1 292 a 16.02.11 um 14:03 01:35
4 Scorpion31 190 a 16.01.12 um 21:45 01:12
5 schnupfi 119 a 17.02.13 um 12:05 00:55
6 tempole 82 a 19.03.11 um 10:04 00:36

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