    Gowling Highscores
Beschreibung: Gowling is a new sport that includes golfing, bowling and crabs. Help this bored island cannibal play his favorite game crab golf and hit as many crabs as you can.. Look carefully at the wind directions to decide the power angle of your shots.
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hat im Spiel Gowling das beste Ergebnis
mit 80 Punkten erzielt
# Username Punkte Kommentar Zeit Spielzeit
1 Isabella 80 a 08.12.11 um 22:48 03:32
2 Schnuckel 76 a 13.05.11 um 18:03 02:35
3 schnupfi 74 a 18.02.11 um 22:48 02:20
4 tempole 56 a 14.02.11 um 23:11 02:37
5 nicole1 44 18.11.18 um 19:41 02:41

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